Monday, November 30, 2009

5 minutes of fame...almost

I wanted to be in front of the lights and camera.
I wanted people around me to recognise me from the video.
Oooh I know u! u were in the I'm an IBMer video :)
But when the time came, I looked ahead and my brain was dead.
My soul was dead.
I couldn't bring myself to speak to a dead camera.
I was constantly chided for looking away.
I sometimes find it hard to look into people's eyes when I speak to them...
But I realise now that I need there to be eyes.
If there aren't eyes for me to look at when I speak,my personality dies.
I wanted to be a rockstar, but i failed.


corpsekicker said...

Rockstars don't make eye contact with cameras and aren't all appropriate and polite. They trash hotel rooms and bash their instruments after a performance. Let's do that.

neverBlink said...

You always know the right thing to say :)

guess that's why I ramble to u so much

I am quite good at room trashing :D come lets